Saturday, July 14, 2012

University of the Free State's Qwaqwa Campus

Yesterday morning we traveled from the main UFS campus in Bloemfontein to the Qwaqwa campus, which is about five hours away by bus. We are here for the weekend and are enjoying this more relaxed time. This campus is much smaller than the other one but it is surrounded by mountains so we have a really nice view.

We attended a short welcoming ceremony last night upon arrival and then settled into our residences before dinner. One of the things that we are all not used to is that they do not have central heating in the buildings here and they prefer to keep the doors open during the day. As it is winter here, you can imagine that it gets very cold. It's necessary that we wear layers of clothes underneath our coats to try to stay warm! Luckily, last night staff from the residences brought us all heavy, warm blankets to help us get comfortable.

After breakfast this morning we attended a lecture about the history of Qwaqwa and then ventured out on a tour of the campus. After the campus tour we piled into the buses to do a tour of the town. We stopped at a large open area that overlooks the entire town. The view was great! We didn't stay too long and then got back on the buses to get lunch on campus.

Other things planned for this weekend include international and local games plus some time for us all to work together in our cohorts to discuss what has been going on and start making the videos we will present later on in the week.On our way back to Bloemfontein we will take another drive through Golden Gate National Park for more beautiful views and animal spotting.


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